About Us
Special Campaign for Blind Welfere (SCBW) foundation is charity based organization which is launched to serve the blind and under privileged people of our society who, by any reason, have been left behind in life. The aim of this organization is to equip the blinds with modern knowledge and to pave the way of education for them.Moreover, it's a committed movement for the welfare of the blind and introducing them to advanced technology and a bright future.
Action Plan
Special Campaign for Blind Welfare Foundation established in June 2022. Its main office is situated in GT road Kharian(Gujrat). The main aim of this institution is to work for the betterment of visually impaired people, introduce modern technological education to them, and guide them in their education purposes.
Future of Work
To introduce with modern technology means training of visually impaired students of comprehending Urdu (text to speech) For Android & Computers, and different software developing is done. Braille, from which visually impaired students can read, we are teaching Duxbury (modern Braille) to visually impaired students and converting many books for the accessibility of the visually impaired students on Braille. We want to educate those visually impaired students who stuck at homes and cannot go out for getting good opportunities of education. With the help of Allah Almighty, our vision is to educate them, and make high school and college for these students, and hostel facilities will also be provided. Moreover, those students who could not get education, we can start program for improving their skills, and arrange seminars for their development. Through these training,courses,and seminars, the illiterate visually impaired students can also learn and use their skills for earning money for them. We will try to arrange online courses for the outsiders who could not easily come from far places. Therefore, we will try our best to find out suitable solutions for visually impaired students' problems in order to help them and provide guidance for their education and future development.